16 August 2006

EPIC Taste Challenge at Regional Wines with Geoff Griggs

Beyond the Pale (Ale) Kiwi Ales take on the World!

Thursday 24 or Friday 25 August, 6.00 pm start, Cost $25.00 pp, Limit 30 places each night

There are a myriad of different members of the ale family, from fruity, quenching, golden styles to roasty, dark stouts and porters. These days New Zealand boutique breweries are crafting some excellent ales right across the spectrum and we thought it timely to see how they stack up against some benchmark brews from around the globe. By way of example, we might put up this year's NZIBA Supreme Champion, EPIC Pale Ale up against Little Creatures. Or perhaps Three Boys IPA "head to head" (excuse the pun) with a classic British IPA. Stout against stout, mate against mate! In each case we will serve the beers blind, in pairs, and let you vote on your favourite. Who will come out on top the freshness of the colonial upstarts or the class and refinement of the classic styles from Europe and elsewhere? As usual, Geoff Griggs will present a fascinating evening. Don't miss it!

Visit Regional Wines


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you may want to know the results from the Regional Wines tasting that i attended on Thurs 24 Aug (i don't know the friday ones). On thursday there were 2 mystery APA beers in one flight. The vote was 23 votes to 3 in favour of Epic against Sierra Nevada. I thought the SN beer tasted a bit aged but the bottle was best b4 Jan 2007. Maybe it didn't travel well? I didn't even think it was an APA at all. The other results were 27 to 3 for Emersons Hefe Weisse vs Hofbrauhse kindle weiss, 20 to 10 for wells bombidier against harringtons best bitter, 16 to 13 for youngs special vs tuatara IPA, 23 to 7 for 3 boys oyster stout vs maarston "oyster" stout and lastly 19 to 11 for belhaven wee heavy vs reinassance stonecutter. So the nz beers won 3 of the 6 categories with the rest of the world winning the other 3. If the votes are tallied across all styles NZ won. Anyway i hope you find this of interest. Cheers David

27 September 2006 at 9:08 pm  

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